Increased potency in men after age 50

Man 50 years later able to enhance sexual performance and please his womanMore than 80 percent of men of all ages have erection problems, but only half see a doctor. Starting treatment for impotence without identifying the cause is a huge mistake. Despite treatment, the disease will come back sooner or later. Improving sexual performance for men after the age of 50 is primarily accomplished through medications, but unconventional methods and physical therapy can also help. Prompt treatment can help you forget about the problem forever, but first you need to get checked out.

Briefly talk about the causes of impotence

To eliminate any disease, first find out why it occurs. Otherwise, treatment will be pointless because the lesions cannot be eliminated. Don't think that men's health will deteriorate after 50 years. This is normal. Most often, the following factors affect the state of the reproductive system:
  • Overwork, fatigue, and stress;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system;
  • Nervous system disease;
  • Being overweight or underweight;
  • diabetes;
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • Liver failure;
  • poisoning;
  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol);
  • Prolonged abstinence and abusive masturbation;
  • Ageing.
There's not much we can do about age-related impotence - it's a feature of physiology. However, age is considered only a predisposing factor rather than the real cause. It is impossible that at the age of 50-55, the erection suddenly disappears, just because the time is up. Most likely, at this time there are already several conditions that adversely affect reproductive function. For example, a 50-year-old man with obesity and diabetes will have much worse efficacy than a healthy man of the same age. Hormone levels, testosterone levels, are very important.

Symptoms associated with impotence

Decreased libido is far from the only symptom, but overall health is often overlooked. Erectile dysfunction in men over 50 can cause severe stress, which is why they completely refuse to have sexual intercourse, fearing failure. The main symptoms of impotence:
  • Improve the timbre of your voice;
  • The appearance of cellulite, fat on the buttocks and thighs;
  • Lack of male-pattern hair.
A severe decrease in testosterone can lead to changes in the body, sometimes leading to a person starting to be aroused by representatives of the same sex. Failure in bed with women can trigger severe stress and depression, ultimately leading to a complete loss of sexual desire. Sometimes, the dominant sex looks for reasons in their partner and refuses to admit there is a problem with male abilities.

If I have potency issues, which doctor should I contact?

Men over 50 should consult a doctor if you have potency issues. No specialist can find the cause of impotence in men over 50 on the first visit and cure it within a few days. To get rid of the disease, a comprehensive check-up is required. First of all, it is worth seeing a therapist; in the future, he will refer you to other doctors: urologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, andrologist, venereologist. Erection problems associated with penile injury require contacting a traumatologist.
Often, decreased libido is related to human psychology: worries about failure in bed or penis size, severe stress, complexes. Therefore, consultation with a psychologist and sex therapist may be necessary. When you think about how to be more effective, you should also take care of your partner. Sometimes it is recommended to go with a woman to see a sexologist.

How to improve the effectiveness of your home after 50 years

Both drugs and unconventional methods can restore sexual desire after 50 years of impotence. After the examination, experts recommended that all patients change their diet, exercise, and eliminate bad living habits. Folk recipes can be used to extend the duration of the act only with the permission of the attending physician.


There are many types of medications, but they all differ in their ingredients, effects, duration of treatment, and side effects. Anti-impotence drugs should not be taken by oneself after the age of 50 after reading the instructions for use - the dosage and frequency of administration are chosen individually by the doctor for each case. Groups of drugs used to increase sexual desire are listed in the table.
group how they work Negative impact
phosphodiesterase inhibitor Has a relaxing effect on the arteries of the penis, causing an erection Decreased vision, body rash, irregular heartbeat, low back pain, poor health (increased blood pressure, weakness, nausea)
NO synthase activator Improve blood circulation to pelvic organs Allergic reactions when an individual is intolerant to an ingredient
Selective alpha2 blockers Improves blood circulation in the genitals and also improves the quality and quantity of semen Tachycardia, nervousness, drowsiness, stomach upset
Intracavernosal injections based on vasoactive drugs can be used in the penile area. They relax the smooth muscles of the penis and improve blood circulation, thereby causing an erection. How to use medication to improve effectiveness after age 50:
  1. Synthetic analogue of natural prostaglandin E1.It is actively used to treat male reproductive system disorders after the age of 45-50 years. Pathologies of the cardiac system and individual intolerance to the components of the drug are the main contraindications.
  2. Isoquinoline alkaloids.Another drug that strengthens the reproductive system. However, it has many side effects and is therefore used less and less. During treatment, men may experience nausea, weakness, dizziness, and a drop in blood pressure.
Leuzea or ginseng tincture may also be used. They are not as powerful as drugs but do not cause serious side effects. For men over the age of 50, it is not advisable to continue taking sexual enhancement drugs. Long-term use may cause psychological dependence. Worry that without the help of medication, the problem will reoccur at the most critical moment.

folk remedies

Unconventional treatments for reproductive disorders do exist. In many cases they are used in combination with other methods. It's worth asking your doctor how folk remedies can be used to increase libido in men after 50 and whether it's acceptable.There are many types of tinctures, decoctions, and salves available, but it's important to know that after age 50, you'll need to take harmless methods to be effective. The first is ginseng tincture. You will need 200 grams of roots and 300 ml of alcohol. Crush the ginseng, pour in alcohol and soak for at least three days. Next, it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and left for another 3 days. To ensure the effectiveness of the tincture, filter out 5 ml and take it once a day for a month.Celery tincture has great effects on sex life. It cooks faster and has no alcohol in its ingredients. Grind 20 grams of roots, add 500 ml of hot water, and leave for 3-4 hours. Drain and use. The daily dose is 10 ml. Men over the age of 50 should take boosters after meals, otherwise they may experience stomach upset. Courses last 2 to 4 weeks.Garlic contains many essential oils, vitamins, and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Regular consumption of garlic leads to an increase in testosterone, which is responsible for conditions in the reproductive system. Garlic can be added to any dish, but it is better to prepare medicinal mixtures:
  • Cut one end of the clove into large chunks;
  • Pour 300 ml of alcohol into the garlic;
  • Leave in a cool place for three days;
  • Strain through cheesecloth before using.
It’s important to know how to use this product to improve performance in men after the age of 45. Take 10 ml of tincture 20-30 minutes before meals daily. Must be stored in a cool place.
Nuts have a positive effect on erectile function, so the treatment of male impotence after the age of 50 is inseparable from nuts. They can be eaten with honey or prepared at home following simple recipes. You need to mix honey and walnuts in equal proportions, 1 teaspoon each time, 3 times a day. Lasts 3-4 weeks. Additionally, you can add dried apricots, prunes and other types of nuts to the product. If you regularly include seafood (especially oysters and shellfish), celery, citrus fruits and avocados, and a variety of spices in your diet, you can increase the benefits in old age. Products containing vitamin E and zinc should be preferred.

restore potency

The right lifestyle can increase sexual activity in adulthood. If you suddenly experience medication efficacy problems when you are 50 years old, it is recommended to remember which medications you have recently used. Decreased libido may be caused by taking medications for depression or psychosis, or medications that lower cholesterol levels. The components that make up them have a depressant effect on the nervous system, thereby affecting the arousal of the penis.Often, representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to increase sexual activity without taking drugs. The essence of Kegel exercises is to tense and relax muscles, which can help with impotence. Performing it can get you rid of impotence, prolong sexual intercourse and enhance sensation. You cannot assess the effects immediately, only after 2-3 weeks of training.For people after the age of 50, physical activity is necessary, at least to improve his health, but you should not overwork yourself. Hiking, running, swimming, and skiing are all suitable, but it is recommended to avoid strenuous fitness training. At the same time, you need to improve your diet by eliminating harmful foods from your menu. The diet should contain zinc, vitamins C, E and D, Omega 3 and 6, and animal protein. Drinking multivitamins or dietary supplements is not superfluous.If done correctly, acupressure will help restore male strength quickly. Effects on certain acupuncture points can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. First, you need to rub your lower back with your palms (about 5 minutes) and then press for 10 seconds in 3 vertical positions on the sacral area. Finally, fully stretch your feet with your hands, and then press at the center point—in front of your heels and near the soles of your feet—for 10 seconds. Many patients receive prostate massage treatments, which can be performed at home once you understand the features of the procedure.
Sexual behavior should be normal for men after the age of 50; a decrease in sexual desire is not normal at this age. If the effectiveness suddenly diminishes, you should contact a specialist and find out why. Treatment can be chosen only after examination: use of medicines, folk remedies, physiotherapy.